Proprietary Verification
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verify a site here.

want to check the authenticity of a website?
verify a site here.

Secured Badge

This badge indicates that the site undergoes daily security and malware scans to ensure data integrity and protect against malicious threats. Furthermore, it confirms the presence of an active SSL certificate from Cloudflare, Inc., which encrypts user data and maintains privacy. When you see this badge, you can browse the website with confidence and peace of mind.

Unsecured Badge

The Inactive Trusted Website Badge on a website serves as a reminder that certain security measures are currently unavailable. It indicates that the site may not be undergoing regular security and malware scans, and the SSL certificate might be inactive or expired. When you see this badge, please exercise caution while browsing the website, as the standard security protocols may not be in place to protect your data and privacy. We encourage you to reach out to the website administrator to address these security concerns and ensure a safer browsing experience.